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Orji Kalu Leadership Series Headline Animator

Saturday 12 July 2014


The FIFA ban prohibiting Nigeria from taking part in all international
football may have been predicted, occurring after a recent court order

compelled our Sports Minister to appoint a civil service member to the
Nigeria Football Federation's (NFF) helm. However, this measure,
brought upon the nation from an organization not unfamiliar with
controversy all its own, could impact our country in unexpected ways,
hinder our communities who understand that sport continues to play a
key role in healing an often-perceived to be fragmented national
identity.Our colleagues at the NFF should understand the binding effect of
athletics to patriotism and ensure that the situation is resolved
swiftly for the good of Nigeria.
Any person at all familiar with our spectacular country will readily
admit Nigeria's great and, possibly, globally unparalleled love of
sport and, particularly, football, as well as its unprecedented
ability to bring together millions of our citizens who, under many
circumstances, often feel separated by religion, ethnicity, or
predisposition. As our pastime and national pride, sport and football
have traditionally served as that thread that creates a shared belief
in the virtues of national unity.

With Nigeria's economy now officially the largest on the African
continent and destined to reach even greater heights in the 21st
century, the role of sport is now becoming even more significant.
Given our young population, we must prioritize fortifying the merits
of 'team-play' among youths, providing them with a quality education,
and mobilizing them in the workplace to ensure that we are capable of
aptly defending our position as Africa's most dynamic nation.

As Nigeria follows with baited breath the situation surrounding the
FIFA ban, we must seek to use this ordeal as an opportunity to
highlight the great importance of sport in realizing our national
ambitions and in cultivating unity, pride and patriotism. Perhaps more
than anything else, the FIFA ban should serve as a clear reminder to
us all of the need to invest in Nigerian sport and football's
historical power to build bridges.

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