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Orji Kalu Leadership Series Headline Animator

Tuesday 12 March 2013


 The journey to the establishment of the OUK YOUTHS FOUNDATION FOR PEACE AND UNITED NIGERIA started in early 2008 soon after the General election of 2007 where Dr Orji Uzor Kalu (OUK) participated as a presidential candidate and proved his genuine commitment to the empowerment of the Youths; the Peace, Unity and overall development of Nigeria.

Though he came third in that election, he succeeded in waking the consciousness of the ordinary Youth to the realities of things in Nigeria pertaining to the Unity, Peace and Progress of the country and the strategic role of the Youths in the development and sustenance of the corporate existence of Nigeria as one and indivisible country where each citizen has equal right and opportunity; and that with the positive contribution of the inspired Youths, Nigeria can become great again.

OUK YOUTHS (as popularly known) is therefore a not-for-profit, non-partisan organization that provides a social platform for mobilizing and galvanizing Nigerian Youths globally to enhance and develop their value orientation and leadership skills to enable them assume a trans-formative role in the development and sustenance of Nigeria as a free and safe Nation for all.

This platform provides the opportunity for the Youths to be inspired, trained, re-educated, encouraged, motivated, transformed, and above all mentored by His Excellency Dr. Orji Uzor Kalu (MON); a man who have excelled both in business and politics, and genuinely committed to the sustenance of the corporate Unity, Peace and Development of our dear Nation, Nigeria and Africa in general.

The objectives and programs of this organization are aimed at equipping the youths to be responsible, courageous, patriotic, accountable and positive achievement-oriented Leaders of the new Nigeria of our Dream. They are inspired to understand the importance of the Unity and Peace we share as a Nation and the need to respect each other’s right to live peacefully and practice his/her religion; to own properties and live freely in any part of the Nation as free citizens of this great Nigeria.

Members are Ambassadors of the vision held by Orji Kalu in his quest and strive to establish a new Nigeria society grounded on equity and justice; freedom and fairness; peace and unity; prosperity of the people and brotherly love. Also to transform and reposition the Nation as the real Giant of Africa, capable of creating opportunities for her teeming Youths and a conducive environment for socioeconomic activities to thrive.

As Members, we commit ourselves to undertake individual development initiatives; and to actively participate in group (Chapter) community development projects and programs aimed at positively impacting our communities.

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OUK YOUTHS (as popularly known) is a not-for-profit, non-partisan organization that provides a social platform for mobilizing and galvanizing Nigerian Youths globally to enhance and develop their value orientation and leadership skills to enable them assume a trans-formative role in the development and sustenance of Nigeria as a free and safe Nation for all.