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Orji Kalu Leadership Series Headline Animator

Wednesday 10 September 2014

To Orji Uzor Kalu

My heart felt glad to have read your words on the state of Abia State. I really do not know if you wrote these words with agony of the soul, or with a retributive mind considering the hatred and war directed toward you by the Governor.
Whichever is the case, I saw some pain and tears in your tone. Plato said: “Appearance is master of truth and lord of happiness, to happiness then I will turn, I will put on the show of virtue and trail behind me the fox of Archilochus, I hear some­one said wickedness is not easily concealed”
I have always had much respect for you. Since Abia State came to be, no governor or administrator has touched the life of the state the way you did.
But at the same time, I can’t relent telling you that you contributed to the problem that the state, at the mo­ment, is subjected to.
You are a very powerful fellow with strong connections, very intel­ligent and hard working. Unfortu­nately, you used all the advantages at you disposition wrongly by mak­ing Theodore Ahamefule Orji the Governor of Abia State against the strongest opposition of various in­terest groups. For you to have even won that struggle successfully com­mands my respect for you, aside the negativity. He has become a terror to us, including your very self.
But then, as you rightly had ac­cepted, you are only human, prone to error and subject to the limitations of human calculations. The chame­leon you called your former chief of staff who you made governor gave you a negative look and ended up deceiving you into believing he was what he was not. However, no mat­ter how anyone will blame you, that blame will not bring the required change in our state. If a man’s wife can change the swing even to a point of digging her husband’s grave, how much more shall an enemy in disguise from a different family, community, local government, not kill you? Particularly, on account of political power.
Furthermore, your deceision to open up with your confessions and your side of the story is a welcome approach to this issue. Your pro­longed silence made the governor take you for a coward. With your brave response, your boys are very proud to tell your story. I am happy that there is still a man in Abia State who can open up on the plight of our state when everybody, including the claimed mighty lords, hide in pre­tence.
Who wants to die? Definitely, he that will hide his life will surely lose it. T.A. Orji’s skirmishes are prone to failure, his attack on your per­sonality is a flimsy game that will end up in futility. The battle line is drawn. I saw it in your series. You lost the Senatorial seat in the last election because the people believed his lies, not because he was fighting you with armoured tank. Now, the story of who is holding who is over. It is obvious now who holds who.
Sir, Abia State is worse than you elaborated. All the roads your ad­ministration constructed are forgot­ten because of lack of maintenance. No single road has been constructed since you left office. All the roads in Aba are closed. There is no road network connecting other states. Did I say other states, I mean other cities. Insecurity is at its peak, com­merce is history in the commercial nerve centre. Do you really have time to read the compendium of the wrongs? It is not as if I am saying anything new.
The world is listening to hear your crime against T. A. Orji, He should also be prepared to reveal his security vote. He that cannot appre­ciate his master, is not wise, as na­ture has a way of paying back. Let him go ahead to change your name with his name on all the projects that bear your name. Let him go ahead to claim projects not executed by him. Let him go ahead to com­mission spies to watch your house to give him a roll call of your visi­tors. Let him go ahead to use Abia money to buy aircraft, if he likes, even vessels. since he has less than seven months to live in Government House, Umuahia.
If the case against T.A. is closed, then other cases should be opened. His immunity will soon expire, then, he can be brought to book.. G.K Chestoton once said “The most practical and important thing about someone is his or her view of the universe”. We are all mortal, and until we all grapple with the larg­est of existentialist questions: Who are we? Where do we come from? and, Where are we going?, we have not lived, we are not prepared to die, and we surely are not well edu­cated.
Plato, in his metaphysical expla­nations, said human nature oscil­lates between good and evil, and the motives of actions and the origin of institutions may be explained to a certain extent on either hypothesis. “A little experience may make a man a cynic; a great deal will bring him back to a truer and kindlier view of the mixed nature of himself and his fellow men.” I salute you, my model, I salute you, my hero, I salute you my action Governor.

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